Aa2 Config File Not Found

  1. Ported personalities just can’t quite fit into AA2 in my opinion and I await the day to see a truly good new personality. AA2 Data Reserve. While not a mod this is a good reference for understanding the game and finding game content. Replacers (Outdated) Hair Highlighter. Low Poly Hair Highlighter. Sclera Replacer.
  2. Nov 27, 2010.
  3. I get the exact same warning: 'Configuration file is not found and cannot be created'. It is the first time in 2 weeks since I got the ATIH 2012 that I got this warning. As soon as I saw it, I tried to make a backup and it worked OK.
This is from Blannick, one of the earliest players of the game.
(Some modifications to this by Dodge such as links and layout )

Before anything, it is essential to know how to set up your FIREWALL and your ROUTER. Many problems to run a LAN server come from a bad setting of firewall and router.
Because of different firewall programs and different routers I wont explain here how to do it. You can refer to the firewall user manual (or help) on your computer/home server and to the site PortForward.com to learn what to do with your router (you must open ports on it). http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/
If you have problems with that or if you are experiencing any difficulties to set them, feel free to ask for help on this site.
Now how to set up an America’s Army game server.
Since more than a year, AAO is not supported by developper. Then there are no more official servers. Only LAN servers are running AAO game. ( To learn how to join a server : http://dodges-community.net (use menu and choose faq) )
There are 3 ways to run such a server : 1- Some providers still rent non-honor (or LAN) AA2.8.5 servers (follow their instruction)
2- You can use America’s Army Server Manager (AASM) to install a server on your computer/home server.
3- You can use files included in America’s Army system folder to set your server.
A) Always make a backup of a file you want to modify before doing anything.
B) After installation of a AAO server on your computer/home server it is important to allow AAO server program (server.exe file) through your firewall AND your router. If you don’t authorize that program on your firewall and don’t open ports on your router then nobody will be able to join your server, not even you. The server.exe file is in AAO system folder.
C) Don’t forget to register your server on web sites (server tracker) like GAMETRACKER (https://www.gametracker.com/) or Dodges Community (http://Dodges-community.net). If not registered on them, nobody will know your server is online.
D) When the server setting is done you must install custom coop maps in the maps folder (see download links on this web site) and modify tours.ini file to run all those maps. (see the topic « Tours.ini GENERATOR for server admin »)
E) Don’t be shy to ask someone who knows how to act as admin on a server if you haven’t been admin on a server.
Here is a link for a guide that well explaines how to set up a server with AASM : (copy and paste link in your browser if necessary)
When running installation do not select “Tournament setup”. Instead of that select “Standard play setup” and follow instruction to setup a LAN server.
AASM is not a server program. This is a tool to set and to start a server. AASM setup files and config files are not the same files used in America’s Army program to configure a server (server.ini). AASM setup and config files are not located in the “system folder” of AA2 program but in “My document” in Windows and in “Server setups folder” in AASM program.
A new topic will be written if necessary to explain how to manually modify some parameters in AASM setting (how to increase round time, to change starting map, to modify InitialWarmupTime, etc). Next section can also help to understand what can be done in AASM setup and config files to change those things.
Files used to set up a server are located in the “system folder” of your America’s Army program.
Those files are Runserver.bat and Server.ini (or ArmyOps.ini).
First of all make a backup (copy) of those 3 files.
STEP 1 : the file “Runserver.bat”
This file is used to start the server. To open that file right click on it and select modify file. Scroll down until you see at the bottom the following line (or something like):
server.exe GLOBAL 16essborder.aao log=server.log ini=server.ini
Change 2 things in that line: 1- the word “GLOBAL” by LAN and 2- instead of “16essborder.aao” for starting map name write the map name you want to start the server with :
Ex : server.exe LAN Interdiction.aao log=server.log ini=server.ini
When you will start your server it will run the map you selected….on a LAN server!
It is very important to have the exact or same file name. For that refer to maps name in your maps folder.
– Save file.
STEP 2 : Which file for “ini” file: “Server.ini” or “ArmyOps.ini”
Now you have to choose the “.ini” file of your server : server.ini or ArmyOps.ini.
Both can be used but on my side I prefer content and presentation of ArmyOps.ini.
Select in your Runserver.bat the file you want to use as “ini” file and type its name at the end of the line:
server.exe LAN Interdiction.aao log=server.log ini=server.ini
server.exe LAN Interdiction.aao log=server.log ini=ArmyOps.ini
If necessary, save again Runserver.bat file.
STEP 3 : File to start the server
Right click on your Runserver.bat file and create a shortcut on your desktop or elsewhere you want to have it.
STEP 4 : How to set up the server (Main parameters to set in “ini” file)
Right click on your “.ini” file and select open file. You can also double-click on the file.
We need now to modify some parameters in that file. Lines we need to change are the following:
If you want to activate/desactivate a line then delete/put a semicolon ( ; ) in front of the line.
[url] Port=1716………=> Default listening port. Can be changed for other ports like 1916, 2016 ….
AdminPassword=…………………=> Leave blank
GamePassword=…………………=> Leave blank or write a password to make your server private
PlayerAdmin=……………………=> Write SomePlayerName + playeradmin password (example : AAOfan,liketoplay)
…………=> Always put a comma and no space between name and PlayerAdmin password
;PlayerAdmin=……………………=> Keep ; in front of a line with no name
MaxSpectators=2………………=> Indicate the number of spectator you authorize on your server
MaxPlayers=16…………………=> Maximun number of players on the server (your choice)
MaxAdmins=2……………………=> Maximum server admin on the server at the same time (your choice)
…………………………………………=> Other admins over that number can’t joint server with admin status
………………………………………=> They will only have player status
TimeLimit=45 ……………………=> Time (minutes) for a round. => 0 = no countdown
;IP=…………………=> Delete ; in front of ‘IP=’.
……………=> Write your web IP (if no router) or your network IP (with router).
InitialWarmupTime=30……=> Delay (seconds) between every round (don’t use less than 15 or over 45)
RoundsPerMatch=10……………=> Your choice here
bRequireAuthorization=True……=> Change it for False to run LAN server
bMPCheatsEnabled=False………………=> Change it for True if you want to activate Cheat mode on server
bOpenAllWeaponClassSlots=True……………=> To have all slots on the server available for players
ServerName=Another ArmyOps Server……=> Write server name
ShortName=ArmyOps Server……………………=> Write server shortname (or write same name)
AdminName=……………………………………=> Server owner’s name
AdminEmail=……………………………………=> If you want players contact you
MessageOfTheDay=…………………………=> Leave blank
MOTDLine1=Welcome to America’s Army…=> Welcome message on the server
MOTDDisplaySeconds=5 =>………………………=> Set 5 to 15 seconds maximum
GameServerIP=xxx.xxx.xx.xx………=> Must be your internet IP (no router) or your network IP (with router)
;ServerAuthUsername=……………=> Set ; in front of
;ServerAuthPassword=……………=> Set ; in front of
You are now ready to run a LAN server with your “Runserver” shortcut. Don’t forget your firewall and your router!!!
If any problems, leave a shout.
Now have fun!
An easier way to create a lan server is to use OBAN's AA Server Browser which is found in our menu under AA2 Install.

Jan 29, 2017.


An application configuration file is an XML file used to control assembly binding. It can redirect an application from using one version of a side-by-side assembly to another version of the same assembly. This is called per-application configuration. An application configuration file applies only to a specific application manifest and dependent assemblies. Isolated components compiled with an embedded ISOLATIONAWARE_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID manifest require a separate application configuration file. Manifests managed with CreateActCtx require a separate application configuration file.

The redirection specified by an application configuration file can override the assembly versions specified by application manifests and publisher configuration files. For example, if a publisher configuration file specifies that all references to an assembly be redirected from version to, an application configuration file can be used to redirect a particular application to use version An application configuration file applies only to the specified application manifest and dependent assemblies.

For a complete listing of the XML schema, see Application Configuration File Schema.

Aa2 Config File Not Found Windows 7

Application configuration files have the elements and attributes shown in the following table. Example of opening prayer in school program.


File Location

Application configuration files must be installed in the same location as the application's application manifest.

File Name Syntax

Critical slow motion combat mod. The name of an application configuration file is the name of the application executable followed by .config.

For example, an application configuration file that refers to Example.exe or Example.dll would use the file name syntax shown in the following example. You can omit the field for <resource ID> if installing the configuration file as a separate file or if the resource ID is 1.

example.exe.<resource ID>.config

example.dll.<resource ID>.config


Names of elements and attributes are case-sensitive. The values of elements and attributes are all case-insensitive, except for the value of the type attribute.


A container element for the windows and runtime elements of an application configuration file. Required.


Includes the parts of the application configuration file that apply to the redirection of Win32 assemblies.


The author of an application should not include a configuration file with a windows subelement as part of their application. This may be permitted if the configuration file's only purpose is to enable the privatePath functionality of a probing element. The probing element is unavailable on systems earlier than Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.


Specifies whether to apply publisher policy.

This element has the attributes shown in the following table.

applyA value of 'yes' applies the publisher policy. This is the default setting. The value 'no' does not apply the publisher policy.


Includes the parts of the application configuration file that apply to redirection of .Net assemblies.


Includes the redirection information for the application and the assembly affected by this application configuration file. The first subelement of assemblyBinding must be an assemblyIdentity that identifies the application.

Starting with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 an assemblyBinding element can include a probing subelement.


An optional subelement of an assemblyBinding element that extends the search for assemblies into additional directories. The additional directories are not required to be subdirectories of the directory of the assembly.


This element is unavailable on systems earlier than Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 and can only be used within a windows element.

This element has the attributes shown in the following table.

privatePathSpecifies the relative paths of subdirectories of the application's base directory that might contain assemblies. A maximum of nine subdirectory paths can be specified. Delimit each subdirectory path with a semicolon.

You can use the double-dots special specifier in a path to denote the parent directory of the current directory. No more than two levels above the current directory can be specified using double-dots. Do not use triple-dots. For example, an application using the following probing element checks additional directories for an assembly.


A container element for at least one dependentAssembly. Every dependentAssembly can be inside exactly one dependency. This element has no attributes. Optional.


Aa2 config file not found windows 7

The first subelement must be an assemblyIdentity element that identifies the side-by-side assembly being redirected by the application configuration file. A dependentAssembly has no attributes.


As the first subelement of an assemblyBinding element, assemblyIdentity describes and uniquely identifies an application. The application configuration file redirects the binding of this application to side-by-side assemblies. For example, the following assemblyIdentity indicates that the application configuration file affects the binding of the application mysampleApp to side-by-side assemblies. The assemblies being redirected would be identified in a dependentAssembly.

As the first subelement of a dependentAssembly element, assemblyIdentity describes a side-by-side assembly on which the application depends. The application configuration file reconfigures the identity of this required assembly. For example, the following assemblyIdentity and bindingRedirect reconfigures a dependency on Microsoft.Windows.SampleAssembly from version to version

Note that every assemblyIdentity included in a dependentAssembly must exactly match the assemblyIdentity in the assembly's own assembly manifest.

The assemblyIdentity element has the following attributes. It has no subelements.

typeThe value must be win32 (lower case). Required.
nameThe name attribute identifies the application being affected by the application configuration file or the assembly being redirected. Use the following format for the name: Organization.Division.Name. Required. For example: Microsoft.Windows.MysampleApp or Microsoft.Windows.MysampleAsm.
languageIdentifies the language. Optional. For an assemblyIdentity referring to an assembly, if the assembly is language-specific, specify the DHTML language code. If the assembly is for worldwide use (language neutral) set the value as '*'.
processorArchitectureSpecifies the processor running the application.
versionSpecifies the version of the application or assembly. Use four-part version syntax: mmmm.nnnn.oooo.pppp. Required.
publicKeyTokenFor an assemblyIdentity referring to an assembly, a 16-character hexadecimal string representing the last 8 bytes of the SHA-1 hash of the public key under which the assembly is signed. The public key used to sign the catalog must be 2048 bits or greater. Required for all shared side-by-side assemblies.


The bindingRedirect element contains redirection information for the binding of the assembly. Each bindingRedirect must be included in exactly one dependentAssembly. The four-part version syntax of the new version and the old version must specify the same major and minor versions.

This element has the attributes shown in the following table.

oldVersionSpecifies the assembly version being overridden and redirected. Use the four-part version syntax nnnnn.nnnnn.nnnnn.nnnnn. Specify a range of versions by a dash without spaces. For example, or Required.
newVersionSpecifies the replacement assembly version. Use four-part version syntax nnnnn.nnnnn.nnnnn.nnnnn.


Application configuration files do not specify files.


GGBases >
[No Install] [140613] [ILLUSION] Artificial Academy 2 [V4 pre-patched] [English] (ジンコウガクエン2)
Date : 2014-07Size : 6.54 G
[Illusion] Artificial Academy 2
I highly recommend installing the new game.
Then install the HongFire patch, then HEXA hair, clothes.

English translated UI and dialog 99.99% (latest update 2014/07/05)
No installation required. Pre-patched to v4, DLC + extra hair included
.reg key must be edited and applied before playing. See SETUP
Extracted size: 12.4 GB
Some quick screenshots: http://minus.com/mDWbzea5RoAWl
Important reads:
All information from /hgg/: http://pastebin.com/BhpfXqHP READ THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS
Wiki: http://wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php/Artificial_Academy_2
The game was already installed following the 'Installation Guide for Idiots: http://pastebin.com/g1SEVHDp'
method, using Wizzard to install mods separately. This is not the Hongfire patch, but contains the same
mods, but allows you to revert them individually as needed.
Extract the 7z file.
You must edit AA2_install.reg (Right click->Edit) and replace both D:pathtoAA2 with the extracted directory location,
and run the .reg file (double click it). Note that you must use instead of in the path.
You can also use [Illusion][RegistryFixer] [TheShadow][V2.1] instead. (not recommended)
You will need Applocale or HF pApplocale. If you opt instead to set your system locale to Japanese, REMEMBER TO CHANGE FORMATS (Formats tab in Region settings) to Japanese as well, or text WILL be screwed up, in addition to some things not working/displaying. ONLY USE EITHER APPLOCALE OR JAPANESE SYSTEM LOCALE, NOT BOTH. Don't install anything to the Japanese-named folders, edit every install directory to something readable. Run everything that displays (or interacts with something that displays) in Japanese with Applocale.
Read the install guide and FAQ for details. http://pastebin.com/g1SEVHDp
If you get an error: 'Config file is not found (Data)', then you did not apply the registry key correctly. Your registry should look like this: http://i.imgur.com/JobLQog.png
AA2Play_English.exe - main game English launcher (V4). Use this to configure graphics.
May have some performance issues, so consider using AA2Play.exe to play the game.
AA2Play_V4_JG2FPv130b_PartialEngTL01.exe - Frontier Pack - lets you cheat by forcing interactions, view statue anywhere, etc. (run EXE for details)
AA2Play.exe - Japanese V4 launcher (no-CD already applied)
AA2TranslationLoader.exe - English launcher and translation for AA2Edit.exe
AA2Edit_Unlocked_V1.0.exe - Unlocked Maker Launcher - copy this to AA2Edit.exe for use with AA2TranslationLoader.exe
AA2Edit_v1.0.1_JG2CMv142_Unlocked.exe - Unlocked Maker from Frontier Pack
aa2mpatch.exe - custom resolution (for AA2Edit)
Illusion Wizzard is included.
Place mods in wizzardAA2_PLAYmods directory and use Wizzard to install them.
The following mods are already installed:
[AA2][Translation][English UI and Card Personalities][v9.5][hgg]
[AA2][Translated Maker Name and Stuff List]
[AA2][HGG] 2D Clothed Female Uncensor + 3D Clothed Male Uncensor + Dildo Uncensor ALPHA v.6
[AA2][Hair][BigPack HEXA][v1.4][Various]
When installing a new update from Illusion, let the installer extract to a temporary directory.
There will be a setup directory inside, with a main and edit folder.
Copy both the contents of main* and edit* into your installed AA2 folder and overwrite.
Then open Wizzard.
Uninstall mods (very optional, but if you don't do this, uninstalling the mods in the future will revert to the older version)
Re-apply (force) the translation mods again. You'll probably need to update the translation mods if the UI gets updated.
Pre-patched to v4, includes:
- Pre-Order Bonus [Hairpack + Personality]
- DLC01 [Additional Hair]
- Tanabata Bonus Hair Extension
- Illusion Special Member Bonus Hair
Class roster: [HGG][Rule 63 update 4] default (you can restore the original game ones with
the folders aa2/save/Female.orig/ and aa2/save/Male.orig/)
For more, view the Character Database:
List of files inside the .7z: http://pastebin.com/yNXBJDRC
Random roster:

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